
Bread of Life Healing Ministry & Rehabilitation

Komatiland Plantation, Ward 10. Mac Mac Forest Retreat, Sabie. 1260. / NPO Registration 175 - 809 


The Promises and Rewards of Addiction Recovery



1.   I am going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.

2.   I will not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it.

3.   I will comprehend the word serenity.

4.   We will know peace.

5.   No matter how far down the scale I had gone, I will see how my experience can benefit others.

6.   My feelings of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.

7.   I will lose interest in selfish thing and gain interest in my fellows.

8.   My Self-seeking will slip away.

9.   My whole attitude and outlook on life will change.

10. Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave me.

11. I will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle me.

12. I will suddenly realize that God is doing for me what I could not do for myself




 1.   Hope instead of desperation

 2.   Faith instead of despair

 3.   Courage instead of fear

 4.  Peace of mind instead of confusion

 5.  Self-respect instead of self-contempt

 6.  Self-confidence instead of helplessness

 7.  The respect of others instead of their pity and contempt

 8.  A clean conscience instead of a sense of guilt

 9.  Real friendships instead of loneliness

10. A clean pattern of life instead of a purposeless existence

11. The love and understanding of our families instead of their doubts and fears

12. The freedom of a happy life instead of the bondage of and substance obsession

About us


Bread of Life Healing Ministry and Rehabilitation Centre is different from other facilities and offers a unique and supportive faith based environment, that acts as home away from home. We welcome all with open arms, and we understand that from wherever you come, it has taken courage and determination to get this far. We know that change comes from within and that it is quite challenging, so we serve with honor in this great call to help you on your journey to freedom, to share with you in the joy of breaking lose from the bonds of addiction and taking those first small steps with you into your future with the new and improved you!


So often addiction is treated with the sole focus on living clean and sober, but the behaviour that went hand in hand with the addict's lifestyle; becomes so ingrained into the person, that subconsciously it will re-surface in everyday choices; if not corrected and changed.   At Bread of Life Healing Ministry we offer continuity in behaviour modification right through their stay from the first initial assessments unto reintegration into society with on-going support. Weekley change and objective groups are held to assess and monitor the progress of each service user.


The long term program (12 Months) consists of daily Biblical devotions, addiction Rehabilitation and Therapy lessons, day to day personal counselling, sheduled one-on-one sessions with the Psychologist, Social Worker, Addiction Counsellors, Pastors and Spiritual Leaders.  Daily projects includes also projects like fencing, building, gardening, cooking, personal space cleaning, art activities, talent show practice, meditations, morning excercises, praise & worship nights etc.  The program is unique and very carefully put together to teach each individual a good sense of responsibility and to finish each project they start.  Thus preparing them to face the challenges and responsibilities upon re-entering the world outside of rehab in a constructive and healthy way.  We are effortlessly working to rebuild their self-worth, sparing now effort, to a level whereby they can respectfully reclaim their lives in society and take their place in the world.


Bread of Life Healing Ministry & rehabilitation Centre is situated 17 km outside of Sabie Road, towards Graskop, Mpumalanga.  Mac Mac Forest Retreat Area.  We live in a peaceful and tranquil area, surrounded with beautiful nature and amazing views, overlooking the mountain, containing the most beautiful trees, plants and waterfalls in our immediate vicinity


If your loved one has a problem with substance abuse or addiction, the first step will be to help them agree that they need treatment.  This will not always work out as planned. That's where an intervention can help. Addiction Recovery is a complex process that needs a long-term plan. People who become dependent on drugs, precirption medication or alcohol can't just stop with only will power and then suddenly feel better. Most need a rehabilitation program.


An intervention is a meeting where family and friends have a calm and open conversation with their loved one about their substance abuse or addiction and ask them to accept treatment.



Interventions are about: 

1.  Awareness. Open the person's eyes to the devistating consequences their addiction has on their family and friends.

2. Motivation. Get the person to agree that they have a problem and that they need help.

3. Action plan. Create a strategy for addiction recovery.

4. Warning. Gently warn your loved one about what will happen if they refuse treatment. 



Families sometimes invite an "interventionist" to plan and moderate the meeting. Our interventionists are licensed addiction counselors. They will educate family members on addiction and prepare them for what to expect during and after the meeting.

Along with a professional, an intervention typically includes important family members, friends, and co-workers or even sometimes the church. It shouldn't involve children or people the person with substance use disorder dislikes or have been using substances with.  


Call us today for help with an invertention.  Intervention Help Line +27767037778

The Recovering Addict must learn new habits and coping skills for sober living.



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy teaches the recovering addicts how to recognize moods, thoughts, and situations that fire up drug cravings. Our therapist teaches them how to avoid these triggers. They will learn how to replace negative thoughts and feelings with healthy ones that will in turn help them to stay sober.  The skills they will learn will last a lifetime if they diligently continue in their efforts, and guarantees a new outlook in life.


Our therapists also focuses on acceptance and change.  There are addicts who don’t believe that they need to change things to recover and unfortunately the statistics for their recovery and continued sobriety are not good. Complete life change helps to create that freedom and space from substance abuse habits where newer, stronger and healthier ones can develop over a period of time, also refered to as the journey of recovery. No matter what stage of recovery you are in it’s always a good time to embrace the journey of change with an accepting and positive mindset. The years in sobriety will fly by as you grow and change too. When you look back at your life you will cherish and hold dear the opportunities you embraced, the chances you took even if it was just one step at a time!


Change is part of your journey; each step is significant in its own way that adds value to your personal story and your life in sobriety. Coping with change throughout the recovery process has its challenges. People who resist change may be sabotaging their own recovery, it is absolutely critical to let go of the old and embrace the new. Without change the recovering addict will get stuck, and this will leave them vulnerable and usually leads to a return to alcohol or drugs.


Relapse is not the end of the world, but so many times it is the end of your life. Counseling helps you escape cravings and learn to manage challenges without drugs or alcohol.  No one method is known to be better than another. Likewise, no one approach works for everyone alike. The right personalized  treatment plan will be tailored to your addiction and individual needs.

Activities for the Recovering Addict

In the past, you used to spend the majority of your energy and time using drugs or alcohol. Now that you are sober, you should spend that time with hobbies and other things that you enjoy. Participating in healthy and fun activities is all part of your healing and recovering prosess. 


The therapist will help the recovering addict to Identify some of their strengths as well as what they enjoy doing.  Exercise is also an important part of addiction recovery, as it can help to heal some of the damage caused by drug or alcohol abuse. Nutrition is equally as important, as it can promote physical and emotional health.

Art Therapy 

Art therapy helps recovering addicts to express their emotions, improve self-esteem, manage addictions, relieve stress, improve symptoms of anxiety and depression and cope with the recovery process all together. In addition, art allows a person to convey ideas and emotions and explore issues in a way that allows that person to communicate in a non-verbal way.


Many recovering addicts initially feel hesitant about exploring and addressing those issues in group therapy or in conversation, whilst art therapy helps them to explore those unspoken emotions.

Life Skills

Life skills is a term used to describe a set of basic skills acquired through learning and/or direct life experience that enable individuals and groups to effectively handle issues and problems commonly encountered in daily life. They include creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, the ability to communicate and collaborate, along with personal and social responsibility – all essential skills for creating a new and healthy people and society for successful and emploayble individuals. It helps them to develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges. Teaching the recovering addict how to evaluate situations from both a logical and emotional perspective will improve their decision-making skills.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program that has principles based on Biblical truth. We makes use of the original 12 steps combined with a matching scripture for each step. We have also established 8 biblical principles that work together with the 12 steps tying recovery to Biblical teachings.  There is no other higher power involved, we believe in Jesus Christ as the only healer.


The Bible clearly states “all have sinned.” It is my nature to sin, and it is yours too. None of us is untainted. Because of sin, we’ve all hurt ourselves, we’ve all hurt other people, and others have hurt us. This means each of us need repentance and recovery in order to live our lives the way God intended. You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression that “time heals all wounds.” Unfortunately, it isn’t true. The truth is – time often makes things worse. Wounds that are left untended fester and spread infection throughout your entire body. Time only extends the pain if the problem isn’t dealt with. What we need is a biblical and balanced program to help people overcome their hurts, habits and hang-ups.Celebrate Recovery is that program. Based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory, our recovery program is unique, and effective in helping people change.  


We believe that this program is unlike any recovery program you may have seen. There are seven features that make it unique:


1. This recovery program is based on God’s Word, the Bible. When Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount, he began by stating “Eight Ways to Be Happy.” Today we call them the Beatitudes. From a conventional viewpoint, most of these statements didn’t make sense. They sounded like contradictions. But when you fully understand what Jesus is saying, you’ll realize that these eight principles are God’s road to recovery, wholeness, growth, and spiritual maturity.

2. This recovery program is forward-looking. Rather than wallowing in the past, or dredging up and rehearsing painful memories over and over, Celebrate Recovery focuses on the future. Regardless of what has already happened, the solution is to start making wise choices now and depend on Christ’s power to help me make those changes.

3. This recovery program emphasizes personal responsibility. Instead of playing the “accuse and excuse” game of victimization, this program helps people face up to their own poor choices and deal with what they can do something about. We cannot control all that happens to us. But we can control how we respond to everything. That is a secret of happiness. When we stop wasting time fixing the blame, we have more energy to fix the problem. When you stop hiding your own faults and stop hurling accusations at others, then the healing power of Christ can begin working in your mind, will, and emotions.

4. This recovery program emphasized spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ. The 3rd principle calls for people to make a total surrender of their lives to Christ. Lasting recovery cannot happen without this step. Everybody needs Jesus. Celebrate Recovery is thoroughly evangelistic in nature. 


5. This recovery program utilizes the biblical truth that we need each other in order to grow spiritually and emotionally. It is built around small group interaction and the fellowship of a caring community. Celebrate Recovery is built on the New Testament principle that we don’t get well by ourselves. We need each other. Fellowship and accountability are two important components of spiritual growth. 

6. This recovery program addresses all types of habits, hurts and hang-ups. Some recovery programs deal only with alcohol or drugs or another single problem. But Bread of life Healing Ministry & Rehabilitation is under a “large umbrella” program through which a limitless number of issues can be dealt with. 

7. Finally, our recovery program produces lay addiction counsellors and volunteers! Because Celebrate Recovery is biblical and faith-based, it produces a continuous stream of people moving into ministry after they’ve found recovery in Christ. 


You are going to see hopeless marriages restored and people set free from all kinds of sinful habits, hang-ups, and hurts as they allow Jesus to be Lord in every area of their lives. To God be the glory! We’ll be praying for you.


Celebrate Recovery - Rick Warren.

Contact Us

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Bread of Life Ministry

Click & Follow our Facebook Page Rehabiliatation of the body, soul and spirit

R532 Road, Komatiland Plantation Ward 10 Sabie, 1260.

Mac Mac Forest Retreat


Addiction Help Line 076 703 7778


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How did you find us? *
Message *

Our dedicated team spares no effort to help the recovering addict on their way to living a healthy and sober life!

Great teamwork is described as the visible illustration of a people who are united with the same purpose. And, ultimately, that is what Bread of Life Healing Ministry & Rehabilitation is building – a culture of many people who are united in working for the same cause. Sobriety not only of the body but also of the soul and spirit.


Everyone in the team needs encouragement at times and needs to be reminded that they are part of something greater than themselves. Investing in one another, we build our relationships with trust that creates a more positive, caring, and cohesive culture.


1 Corinthians 12:17-20 "If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body."


The best teams do not have people with similar skills – they combine the diverse talents and backgrounds from a pool of diverse individuals and appreciate the gifts that each one brings to contribute. Great teams have people that know their role and appreciate others as well.



1. Dorijn Verwey - Managing Director & Addiction Counsellor

2. Deon Verwey - Director

3. Tebogo Sitiba - Director / Social Worker / Centre Manager


Therapeutic Team

1. Dorijn Verwey - Managing Director

2. Tebogo Sitiba - Social worker / Centre Manager

2. Chris Foley - Personal Assistant & Addiction Counsellor

3. Izak Boonzaaier - Addiction Counsellor & Spiritual Leader

4. Noluthando Bhengu - Staff Nurse

5. Janti Linnington - Educational Psychologist

6. Tania Smit - Caregiver

8. Kotie Batt - Pastor & Counsellor



1. Divan Ferreira

2. Christie Keet





Visiting Pastors

1. Pastor Gawie & Michelle Pretorius

Praise & Worship


You travel to a secret place within, as you allow the words expressed in the album Bread of Life, to refresh your weary soul, written by Deon Verwey.  A Spiritual Father to many, a godly man and loving husband to Dorijn Verwey. The love that God holds for His church, is made manifest in the writer’s  own heart, who finds it difficult to not shed his own tears; as he gets to participate in the love of the Heavenly Godhead; comprehending with a very personal experience, the desire God has for His bride. A river of life starts to flow within, as every word speaks to the multiple longings of the human heart. The heavenly notes overwhelming every shadow, opening up a way for you to behold the King, face to face.  You cannot help but to weep along with the writer and fall to your knees as the truth of God’s love set’s you free.

Pay by EFT


Deon Verwey


Branch Code: 470010

Account Number: 1897653741

Reference Number: Name&Surname with CD

Example: DorijnVerweyCD

Send payment confirmation to:  0767037778

Arrange for postage / collection: 0767037778

The year 2018 marks the year that Bread of Life Healing Ministry & Rehabilitation Centre held our first annual Victory Weekend.  We experienced the love of God and saw chains fall of the people of God.  Families were reconciled, broken lives restored and healing taking place.  Since then we have faithfully and also with much excitement been celebrating every year during the first weekend of March the sobriety of many recovering addicts! 


It is a time of celebration.  We celebrate the faithfulness of God through the intimate experience and journey of every recovering addict and their families.  He is a promise keeper. He promised that He will make a way of escape for His people. Ezekiel 36:24-26 "For I will take you from among the nations and gather you out of all the countries, and I will bring you back into your own land. I will also sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your impurities and all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." We have witness Him do just that! Many generations (groups) have passed through our gates, and we stand in awe of the great love that God has for His people.


We also celebrate the recovering addicts.  We see them during their recovery journey how they battle and change, how they become brave and courages.  We stand as witnesses to their story from being broken to be being restored. We see how they battle to regain their lost lives. We celebrate with them in their joy in overcoming the monster of being a slave to substances.


We celebrate with the families, who have also endured much trauma with the recovering addict whilst still in active addiction. 


During this most joyous weekend all families and other faith-based rehabs are welcome to join! Recovering addicts from all over the world are welcome to come and testify or just to come and celebrate this weekend filled with laughter, joy and grateful hearts! An obvious sense of relief fills the atmosphere as the Holy Spirit comes to claim the praise due to heaven.  It is a time of reflection, where their journey is remembered and the truth of recovery is set in stone, written on their hearts, never looking back again! 


What can you expect to see at this event? Well, every year spiritual mother Dorijn and spiritual father Deon, opens for us with the vision that God had given them upon establishing Bread of Life Healing Ministry in 2012. There is also guest speakers bringing the anointed word of God to the people of God.  Many testifies to the greatness of God and also shares their journey to the people of how far they have come along with their battles and struggles.  Live performances from the inhouse service users are held (that they are very proud of in fact!) , boer-sports for the more 'out there' adventurers, many brave upcoming ministers takes the microphone and lavish their musical gifts on us with solo songs, instruments, and poems! Leaders receives their certificates; sobriety medals are handed out and the overcomers are congratulated.  The nights are ended of with the live band in singing songs and hymns with praise & worship!


If you or a loved one has a story to tell, or would like to partake in this great event in your own unique way, you are welcome to contact us.  We would love to hear from you! 


There are so many ways you can get involved or to financially support our work in the lives of many young and old in their battle against addiction.  To be able to accomplish this we need funds for maintenance of the vehicles and property, also to provide food, electricity, shelter and provision for the therapeutic team. We are a non-profit organization; and have not begun this Healing Ministry for the money.  We want to see people get healed.  You can help us make an important difference for families struggling with a loved one’s addiction.


Over 50 percent of our service users are unable to contribute to the full amount that covers just the basic essentials. Another 20 percent are unable to contribute anything at all. They deeply rely on YOUR support. Your generosity helps people like this and provide parents and loving supporters with the tools they need to take effective action for their loved one's substance use or addiction.  The most effective and efficient way you can help is through a monthly love gift concerning monthly contributions with no obligation. You can also become part of their legacy of recovery through the means of a monthly pocket money donation. Donating food or any unused items lying around; to the centre is also another way of helping the recovering addicts.


On behalf of the families we serve, that simply cannot afford to give their loved ones a chance to recover; we want to say a big thank you. Speak to the friendly operator about your willingness to make a donation or a monthly commitment today!


NPO Registration Number:  175-809 

Pay by EFT


First National Bank

Branch Code: 250 655

Account Number: 62704678848

Reference Number: Name/Surname/Donation

Example: DorijnVerweyDonation

Send payment confirmation to:  0767037778


We are continuously looking for new ways to raise awareness and fight the growing addiction epidemic.


The objective of the Drug Awareness is to educate the public, and young people in particular, about the dangers and consequences of substance abuse. Every South African has a role to play in creating greater awareness about the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse, which has reached unprecedented levels.


By raising awareness, we hope to discourage young people from experimenting with drugs in the first place while assisting substance users to get treatment for long term recovery.  It is time to put the focus on the fact that recovery is possible, numerous young and older people have indeed gotten their lives back by accessing the many different bridges to recovery that are available.


Communities Can Come Together To Fight Addiction:


You play a crucial role in the fight against addiction. We all do. Let’s work together to stop addiction from impacting any more lives once and for all.


Call us today if you want us to serve your community with a drug awareness campain. 


Drug Awareness Help Line +27767037778